This is complicated, however, if noted correctly there will be no confusion
as to biological vs. adopted, foster or otherwise. The correct way to list
children of any given couple is listed below.

If you are looking to publish your work then you should follow the
professional genealogical standards and writing standards for publications
like TAG, NGS and NEHGS you would write the family genealogy and list the
children where you would follow the lines of descent of the biological
children but not of non-biological children. It is important to note that
although adopted children are not biological, they are legally entitled to
inheritance and they are the legal children of that couple and should always
be included. Foster children do not have the same legal status and it is up
to you to decide if they should be included - personally I think they should
be listed because it gives you a more complete picture of the family
situation. If you are not looking to publish your work, then you can set up
your genealogy any way you desire. In Legacy, you can customize child
relationships and child status to show adopted and foster children. It is up
to you to decide how you want to handle it either through notes or through
the child list.

The children of Ancestor A and Ancestor B are:
+1 Nice Child, born 1 Month 1800 in North State and died 25 Month 1888.
+2 Beautiful Child born 5 Month 1804 and died 31 Month 1897.

The adopted children of Ancestor A and Ancestor B are:
i. Wonderful Child, born 7 Month 1794 and died 12 Month 1856.
ii. Sweet Child, born 9 Month 1798 and died 5 Month 1869. 

The foster children of Ancestor A and Ancestor B are:
a. Ben A Dopted, born abt 1801 and died 8 Month 1875.
b. Gene Ology, born abt 1810 and died 4 Month 1870.

Linda Altman
Southern Genealogy uses Legacy Family Tree! This highly acclaimed genealogy
program can be downloaded FREE at 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: LAURA Taylor-Hanson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Chris Larson and his wife never did have any biological children. They
> just
> had two foster sons that they raised from what I have found out. Both boys
> are listed on Chris Larson's funeral record as contacts and a nephew also
> listed as a contact. So do see my dilemma? I do have them listed in the
> notes section but did not know if I should put them on the "children" list
> as they were raised by Chris and his wife.

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