Thanks, Ron. My thinking goes along the same lines. 

The only thing on nr 3 - which language version of the name to use, I tend to 
go with Dutch, simply because Latin, while official at the time of birth, was 
not really the 'common' language. (Isn't that why Martin Luther nailed the 
church door??) It's the same with the French - just because the official 
language has changed, because the country has been run over, the people's 
language and names don't change.

Sometimes, I do have indication of the "common name" - a woman was named first 
Isabella, then Isabeau or Isabelle, and at the end, a marriage of one of her 
children mentioned "Bello"... which i think is what she was really called in 
daily life.

I'm not sure if there is something like this in the UK - perhaps Welsh names? 
Were they ever tried to be anglicised in official records? 


----- Original Message ----
From: ronald ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, 9 December, 2006 11:45:13 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] signatures & names

Some interesting questions here Nina - my comments are bewlow;

Ron Ferguson


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> Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2006 10:01:15 +0000
> Subject: [LegacyUG] signatures & names
> To:
> Hello everyone,
> I have a few questions and would love to hear your suggestions:
> 1. When researching various records - marriage certificates, court papers, 
> etc. - I would like to capture the fact that the person has signed the 
> document (as an indicator for literacy). Does anyone of you capture this 
> information and how do you think it's best done.
> I guess I should create an event but I'm not sure how to name it or how word 
> it: "[HeShe] signed the document"... or "the document is signed by [Name]".

I normally don't record whether literate or otherwise. If I did I would 
probably just put some thing in the notes and use the document which 
illustrated this as a source. eg Signed own Wedding Certificate: Source Wedding 
Certificate (using the way I normally source them)

It is an idea to use an Event. In which case I would probably have a general 
one called, say,  "Literacy"  and enter "Literate" or "Illiterate" in the 
description box. Again using the document from which the conclusion was drawn 
as a source.

> 2. Also how is best to capture veriations of the name - for example, the 
> person is recorded on the document as THIJS, but he has signed THYS 
> (presuming he's literate). So far, I'm just added both as AKAs with the 
> details of where the version appears and by whom. In that case, who do you 
> think know better - the official (who often seem to make a complete hash of 
> even simple name) or the person? I can relate to the last one, because my 
> first name is spelled HRISTINA, without C in front, and very often people 
> just don't listen to me.... ;)

In this case I always take the spelling used by the subject as being correct 
and add the variations in the AKAs
> 3. What do you consider the official name esp. in 17th and 18th century? I'm 
> researching Belgium and of course in a short period of 30 years, I can have 
> the same person with a Latin name (Birth certificate; say "Petrus" or 
> "Joannes"), then French (for the Marriage, "Pierre" or "Jean") and then Dutch 
> (for the death certificate, "Pieter" or "Jan")... All those are technically 
> official because they were recorded by the authorities.

As you say, all are official and if there is no indication as to what the 
person called him/herself then there is nothing to go on. In the case you 
illustrate I would tend to use the one relevant to the place of birth with the 
others as AKAs.

> Any thoughts?
> thanks!
> nina
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