ronald ferguson wrote:
In Legacy News it says (quote):

Vista will require a lot more "umpf" from your computer - 2 GB of memory, 20 GB 
of free hard disk space, and a DVD drive. If you decide to upgrade to Vista, you will 
first need to see if your computer has what it takes to run it. (unquote)

The 2 GB is considerably more than the minimum of 512MB quoted by Microsoft as 
being sufficient for the basic use of Vista and they only quote a maximum of 1 
GB for full use. They also state a minimum of 40GB HDD with 15GB free, again I 
expect this is for the basic.

Would someone like to explain where the higher figures come from please.

Ron Ferguson

The higher figures come from reality, from experience with Microsoft's recommendations for previous OS versions, and from people who have actually installed, used, and reviewed Vista.

Most reviewers claim that 1GB of memory is the absolute minimum for casual use of Vista, but they strongly recommend 2GB for people who will use demanding applications, such as new games and digital media processing. Using the minimum requirements as stated by Microsoft has almost always resulted in a disappointing user experience, even though it does sell more copies of the OS. Recent reviewers have stated that if you don't have a very new and powerful system (less than a year old), you will be much happier staying with XP than upgrading to Vista.

And just what could Vista possibly offer to someone who has an older and slower system that they would willingly pay the very high upgrade price?

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