Hi Jenny
I'm not clear about what you are trying to do. If you want give a child two
or more status 'labels', simply combine them as a new status and use that,
eg "stillborn twin". The new term is added to the search engine, so if you
want to search for all children with that status, you can find them.

The only caveat is Gedcom -check to see how it handles the new status if you
intend transferring your files to other's.


Jenny wrote
> >> Legacy gives three options for Child Status - None, Stillborn and 
> >>Twin.  It is quite possible for a child to be both 
> Stillborn and Twin 
> >>(or any  other multiple, which could be added to the list) but it 
> >>doesn't seem to  be possible to indicate more than one status.
> Mike Fry wrote> >
> >The Child Status List is one of the Master Lists. Therefore, YOU can 
> >press the Add button to create what you want.
Jenny replied>
> Yes, I know that, which is why I said "or any other multiple, 
> which could be added to the list."
> What I'm saying is that you can't have 2 Statuses (stati?) 
> selected at the same time.
> --
> Jenny M Benson

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