Chris, I find citing sources to be greatly simplified if I simply include everything needed to find my exact source for the information as well as the original source. In this case your source for the correct citation information would be here:;idno=WF00000020;sid=ebcaf7274eaab2b014abd100fb171216;rgn=full%20text;view=toc;cc=fhp;subview=fullcitation;node=WF00000020%3A1;a=37 A citation always answers the question: Where can I find this information? Your information was not found at AmericanSouth. It was located elsewhere. When it comes to on-line books that are digitized versions of print boks it's very important to inlcude the publication information for the original print book also.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christine Pearce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2007 9:37 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Book published online advice and Legacy 7 template query

Hi all. I found a digitised version of a book on the internet and am
confused about recording the details for a new Master Source.

The web site is AmericanSouth.Org <>

After performing a search, it takes you to another page which says:

  Title: Reminiscences [electronic resource] / by Emory Fiske Skinner.
  Archive: Florida Center for Library Automation - Florida Heritage

  "Electronic reproduction. [Florida] : State University System of
  Florida, PALMM Project, 2000. (Florida heritage collection)"

The actual document is at

At the they say you enter a citation for a book that's
published online like this:

  Book author, book title, page number cited (Online: Online publisher,
  online published date) [Original published original publisher name,
  original publish date], <URL of page>, web page access date.

In this particular case, who would I enter as the online publisher and whose
URL would I add? AmericanSouth.Org, Florida Center for Library Automation -
Florida Heritage Collection, or Florida - State University System of
Florida? Or would you quote all of the above organisations and all the URLs?

Is the Type, Electronic (like they say in the Title), or a Book?

Is the Repository what they give as the archive (Florida Center for Library
Automation), or AmericanSouth.Org?

Does it make a difference in the way you enter the author whether the pages
are the actual pages or a transcription?, i.e. Author: Emory Fiske Skinner,
transcribed by <organisation/person>.

I hope these questions aren't too stupid. Any advice would be appreciated!

Finally, does anyone know if the new Legacy v7 source templates will include
fields for entering WHERE you actually find source data?


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