Sorry, I didn't pick up you were wanting the most common ancestor for a group.

You haven't got 12 tags so you can't just do it by tagging and then finding those who have all tags set and finding the "youngest" of those.

Perhaps you'd start your tagging from their relevant grandfathers or great-grandfathers, some of whom would be the same?

My trees only go back 6 or 7 generations from me so it's pretty clear, for people in my tree, where the common ancestors are. Just need to look at Pedigree View if I can't recall.

The DNA thing currently seems irrelevant to me as in the lines where I may find it useful there aren't known continuous male descendants.


At 09:54 AM 6/09/2007, you wrote:

Cathy -

Thanx for the response. That works well for two people - but not trying to identify and link a dozen. Or, I'm missing something. Thoughts?

Regards,  John

On 9/5/07, Cathy <<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi John,
The easiest way to find the Most Recent Common Ancestor is to use the
Relationship Calculator between the two people of interest (on the
Tools menu).
This can be printed as a simple chart and shows the line of both
people back to the common ancestor.
I think this is a Legacy Deluxe feature.
At 04:19 AM 6/09/2007, you wrote:
>The following question derives from two events: (1) a recent reunion
>of a dozen family members some of whom didn't know each other and
>their relationships; and (2) the finding of several DNA related individuals.
>The question is: can "tagging" be used to find to find the MRCA
>[Most Recent Common Ancestor]? I would then export to a new database
>(or hopefully directly within Legacy 7) for charting.
>I know I can tag the individuals and then - with advanced tagging -
>tag with the same tag number all their ancestors. However, how then
>to find the MRCA other than trial and error since all tagged lines
>will go to the most "distant" ancestor - not the most "recent"?
>Regards, John

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