I would think that for now, you might be best off using the relationship
chart anyway.....

Run it for persons 1 and 2.....  it will say that common ancestor is person

Run it for persons 1 and 3....  maybe the common ancestor is person B

Run it for person 1 and 4.... maybe the common ancestor is person A

ok - so.....

Run it for person A and B....   ok let's say person B is person A's
grandfather.....  then you are looking at person B so far being the closest
common ancestor....

continue on using various combinations for a bit....  I suspect that you
will keep getting common people coming up...  maybe a person C will show
up.... how is he related to person B? same for any others.    I'd probably
personally try person 1 against each other person.  That certainly isn't all
the combinations - but you will probably see a pattern coming up on who is
coming up as the common ancestors!

After doing a few combinations - run a descendancy chart for the most likely
candidate.....   (the new charting in V7 would be best for this - but use
what you have now....) - are all the people tested that matched on his
decendancy???   If not - maybe run the chart for his father - and then
grandfather......  how about now?

Yes, it would be great if Legacy looked at your file with all the matches
and figured it out for you - but I figure that using the method I suggest,
you could probably figure it out in 30 minutes or so....

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