Hi Guys,
  I don't know if I'm sending this to the people, but I've been following this 
Legacy site for some time now.
  I purchased the Legacy Genealogy Software alone with many other companion 
soft wares awhile ago.
  I also purchased the Pocket Genealogist thinking i would get the palm PC and 
software to boot, was I surprised. I was told to download the software to the 
Pocket Genealogist, but were was it.
  OK, to make a long story short I got the download Pocket Genealogist software 
still sitting on my laptop and the Palm Life drive sitting somewhere.
  I tried connecting the Palm to my laptop, it loaded but never completed the 
  My laptop hung, I couldn't get onto the internet for help, after pulling out 
all the cords,  wires and shutting down I haven't tried again. I know this will 
take time to master, but I'm going to Fort Wayne next week and  SLC, Utah in 
December. I wanted to take the PG with me.
  If anyone know how to connect the dots please help me.
  PS: Since then I even purchased a new Laptop,  now I'm trying to copy 
everything from one laptop to the other,  crying in Chicago.

Robert Carneal USA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Sorry, Jim, Pocket Genealogist is a Pocket Windows system application. 
Pocket Genealogist *is* a great application; I take it everywhere.

You probably have this already, but if not, here is the Pocket 
Genealogist website (Northern Hills).

Tech support for Pocket Genealogist is wonderful, usually very fast turn 
around, and they stick with you until the problem is solved.


Jim Keener wrote:
> Does anyone know if Pocket Genealogist 3.0 works with a Palm Operating 
> System, or is this product only for Pocket PC system? If so, is the 
> Gedstar Pro simply a lower priced product? I've made handheld 
> software purchases before, only to be disappointed later.
> I have a Palm Lifedrive and the Pocket Genealogist 3.0 looks great.
> Thanks,
> Jim

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