You could try if you could use quoted names as a workaround.
In the Help see Report Options:
"Use Quoted Names for Narratives-If names have been entered within
quotation marks, use them in narrative sections.  For example, William
"Bill" Martin would use Bill in narrative paragraphs."

2007/9/26, June <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Could someone please assist with names. My husband is Chinese and my
> children also have Chinese (as well as English names).
> I call my husband John, however his Chinese name is Chan Chung Sing. When I
> put in his Chinese name it doesn't print correctly. In Chinese his surname
> is first, then his generation name then his given name. So when I print
> reports it comes out as Chung Sing Chan which is not correct.
> The only way I can make these names print correctly is to pretend that his
> surname Chan is his given name, that his Generation name 'Chung' is his
> middle name and that his given name 'Sing' is his surname.
> This creates a problem though because he has five brothers. All brothers
> have the same surname and the same generation name but have different given
> names. So to get them to print correctly I would need to give them all a
> different surname but the same given name and the same middle name.
> I face the same problem with my two sons. And if my 2nd grandchild, due in
> January is also a boy I will have the same problems with the two of them.
> I can't find anything in the help menu and wonder if anyone else has come
> across this problem.
> Thank you
> June
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