The simplest solution might be to create a document with the abbreviations
and their full versions.  Then make that document a Master Source and
reference it as needed.  Ideally, you would have an electronic copy (that
was included on the CD when the family database was given to someone else)
and a paper copy which would be kept with other family history documents.

Depending on where the family members are located, there could be some
abbreviations that are vague; example: is "UT" the University of Texas or
the University of Tennessee?  If there is a location associated with the
abbreviation (UT at Austin) then it may be self-explanatory.  Otherwise
you may need to add a note to the text in which the abbreviation is used.


> Hi all! I am new to the group, and have been using Legacy since around
> June of this year.
> I jumped right in and got started by inputting nine generations of
> paternal family info from a hardcopy report my parents had. After that
> I've jumped over to a 307 page, ten generation publication on the maternal
> side.
> I'm curious to know how you all handle abbreviations and variances of same
> across reports, sources, etc.
> I'm also curious to know if Legacy has some corner of it's realm somewhere
> that I've overlooked where one can keep definitions, abbreviation, and
> acronym meanings.
> The maternal file I am inputting at present has several abbreviations and
> acronyms that I do not recognize (but have yet to have time to research
> them, I just found them yesterday). This provoked me into wondering how
> future generations and other family members will know what certain things
> are in my files.
> I try to stand by generic genealogical standards - or what little I know
> of them so far.
> At present, I've simply been putting a "full" version in the notes section
> of person or event in question - For instance, SHSU would be in
> description of a single event, then in the notes portion I would spell out
> Sam Houston State University of Huntsville. -- However, thirty family
> members later, I realized that if I had one singular place for global
> acronyms and definitions, I wouldn't have so much redundancy.
> Jess M
> Proud to be Single Mom to
> CJ-9
> Jo-7
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