Im from Australia. We too have same sex marriages well recognised. I bought
Legacy in Feb. The subsription will be due up next Feb. If the programmers
find this all too hard, and I can find another Geniology program that deals
with it, then there's no reason for me to stick with Legacy. I find it hard
to believe that well educated and trained programmers find this too hard to

On 10/7/07, Sherry/Support <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The problem is not the topic of how to enter same-sex relationships per
> se.
> The problem is that this topic gets very heated amongst the users so we
> have
> asked that it not be discussed and questions about how to handle these
> relationships be researched in the archives.
> If people could sanely discuss the question about how to handle same-sex
> relationships in Legacy and not start spouting personal beliefs one way or
> the other, there wouldn't be a problem.
> The whole thing is getting rather tiresome, quite frankly.
> The programmers have said in the past that when they started Legacy, they
> never considered same-sex relationships.  Ken wrote in part "Adding same
> sex
> marriages at this time is simply a change that we feel would require
> considerable programming time and would rip the guts out a huge percentage
> of our core code base.  We could add some patch style work-around but the
> program would suffer greatly in processing speed in many areas...."
> It has nothing to do with Millennia "being adult about the real world".
> Thanks for using Legacy.
> Sherry
> Customer Support
> Millennia Corporation
> We are changing the world of genealogy!
> When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.
> Thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jack
> Earnshaw
> Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2007 2:29 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] same sex relationships
> I agree it is a real issue. The software, and the list, permits discussion
> on entering data for adoptions (not genealogy), illegitimacy/the milkman
> (genealogy, not family history), incest (genealogy), pets (mmmmm). So why
> is
> this one specific subject so hard to bear.
> In the UK it is now legal for two people of the same sex to get married
> (it's called a civil partnership) and as much as I might abhor the concept
> it is a matter of the law saying it is legitimate. Science is advancing
> rapidly, although held back by politicians. It cannot be many years until
> it
> is physically possible for two people of the same sex to create a
> biological
> child.
> Hence I don't understand why it is not possible for users to ask how to
> create a same sex marriage in Legacy. Other packages do allow it and so,
> unless Millennia grows up and decides to be adult about the real world it
> will get left behind by other packages. Especially if every time the
> subject
> is aired the shutters go up and we are told to "shut up"
> Jack
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