I am testing an export to send to a cousin. My Legacy file was originally created from a PAF 5 file and went INTO Legacy just fine. After cleaning up some sources and some minor editing, I exported a GEDCOM, selecting the PAF 5 format option. When I import that GED into PAF, there are thousands of errors related to the notes. An example message is " ERROR 5: test.GED, line 1567: RIN 62: Level number '2' for CONT is not the same as the preceding line". Examination shows that it occurs whenever there is a note where the text has a carriage return to create a new paragraph. Everything after that return gets dropped so the notes in PAF end up incomplete. Some are for RINs and some for MRINs which also have notes.

Since the original data came from PAF one would think it should go back into PAF with no errors.

There is also a second group of errors that reads as follows

ERROR 10: Individual 'I33' referenced undefined note 'NO'.
ERROR 11: Individual 'I40' referenced undefined note 'NO'.

and so on.

I DO want to include the notes when I send the gedcom. He happens to be using Reunion on a Mac, so I was using PAF as my test vehicle thinking it should be the most generic option, AND as I said, the original data came from PAF. Any fixes out there to get him a "clean" GEDCOM? I am using the latest Legacy build.

Gary Templeman

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