Sorry, Michele, but I cannot help on this as I do not know the systems and 
formats required for a CG.

I think Mills states that much more information is required in Sources than I 
give, and I am unsure whether she recommends lumping or splitting (if either). 
As you can gather I have not read her books and have only picked up bits of her 
recommendations from lists such as this.

Ron Ferguson


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> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Correcting Source Detail was [Sources]
> Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 09:06:55 -0500
> Ron,
> Here is my thing with the Mills standard format... I want to eventually go
> for my CG. From what I understand, your sourcing must pretty much go with
> what Mills has advocated. Is it not the god standard among CGs? I would
> love to know what the AGs accept as the right way to source!
> michele
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "ronald ferguson" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 8:55 AM
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Correcting Source Detail was [Sources]
> Gail,
> I do understand the points which you make, and as you are no doubt aware I
> am a confirmed lumper. You are possibly aware that I am no lover of so
> called standardisation of Sources eg Mills. I guess I am also a minimalist
> in that I record the minimum amount of information in each Source to enable
> someone else to find it, and do not include the full details of where it is.
> As a consequence the second part of the sentence in your note (2) does not
> really apply to me but the rest does and also notes (1) to (4).
> The result is that, spelling and grammar apart, I have not changed either a
> Master Source or Source Details for years and for those two aspects have
> found the Search and Replace as described by Cathy to be fine.
> My opinion is certainly coloured by the fact that I consider Mills's views
> on Sourcing to be overkill; an opinion which is unlikely to be changed by
> debate! This is not to criticise those who prefer to dot every "i" and cross
> every "t" as to the exact location in which a document is to be found but
> simply to state that to me it is not necessary.
> I hope that this clarifies/explains my view and the reason(s) behind it.
> Ron Ferguson
> _____________________________________________________________________
> For Genealogy, Software and Social visit:
> *New Blog* Protect Your PC
> View the Grimshaw Family Tree at:
> For The Fergusons of N.W. England See:
> _____________________________________________________________________
>> Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2007 08:02:22 -0500
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Correcting Source Detail was [Sources]
>> Cathy and Ron, I do respect your opinions and you two are my heroes in
>> terms of being very kind and helpful to this list! You both have made
>> huge contributions to the knowledge contained in this LUG.
>> One last example might help explain my specific dilemma and I know
>> this tool won't help everyone. It sure would help me though,
>> especially when I go to do massive edits to my sources so I can get
>> them to mirror Mills' _Evidence Explained_ (again, not something
>> everyone wants) once v7 comes out.
>> Let's say I have a census master source with detail for one household
>> containing 10 people. If I attach the source only to the census event
>> for each person, I already have 10 identical (master plus detail)
>> source combos floating around in Legacy. Now let's say I decide to
>> attach that same (master plus detail) source to each person's name,
>> birth information, and occupation. That would be 30 additional copies
>> of the same (master plus detail) source.
>> A while back, I decided to leave all census entries attached only to
>> the census event for each person and that has saved me tons of
>> repetition. Keep in mind I have literally thousands of census entries
>> for families in my file of almost 7,000. Each person might have 1-8
>> census entries throughout time (e.g. 1810, 1820, 1830, etc.) depending
>> of his lifespan.
>> A some point, based on Mills' books, I decided not to include the
>> image number from Ancestry. My master source would include the NARA
>> microfilm series number, the roll number, and then the image number.
>> Because the image number is unique for every census page, it does not
>> lend itself well to the handy search and replace feature. I could
>> search for "image_" but then I had to manually delete the numbers
>> following this search string. It took many hours just to amend this
>> part of the citation with only one copy of each census to one
>> individual. Imagine if each one were multiplied by three additional
>> facts/events!
>> I know we all do sourcing a bit differently, so in some cases this
>> will not help users at all. However, I do think it will help those
>> who:
>> 1) have medium to large databases,
>> 2) care about sourcing and plan to make citation adjustments as time
>> and experience dictate,
>> 3) lump sources more than split, and
>> 4) want their (master plus detail) sources attached to multiple places
>> frequently.
>> Sorry for the long posts!
>> Gail Rich Nestor
>> Smyrna, GA
>> On Dec 30, 2007 3:24 AM, Cathy wrote:
>>> Although I have sympathy with Gail in wanting the source Detail to be
>>> relational as well so there is only one copy of the specific detail
>>> and every use links to that, I have learnt to live with the database as
>>> it is.
>>> You can correct typos etc in a specific source detail by using the
>>> Search and Replace on just the right part of the Source/Citation
>>> Detail or Text.
>>> So long as you carefully enter as the search phrase a unique section
>>> of detail that includes the error and choose to just replace the
>>> found text, all sorts of errors are quickly corrected. No need to
>>> find each individual person. I do it all too often.
>>> It is harder when the error is less easily uniquely identified in the
>>> search phrase.
>>> Cathy
>>> At 02:59 PM 30/12/2007, you wrote:
>>>>My sourcing method is very similar to yours and I agree that it is a
>>>>pain when you find a typo in the Source Detail that's been used for
>>>>a dozen different people and in several fields for each person. It's
>>>>necessary then to locate and correct every individual instance or you can
>>>>end up with two versions of the citation in the Source Notes in reports,
>>>>if I'm understanding your suggestion correctly it would be a tremendous
>>>>What I don't understand is your statement that a given Master
>>>>Detail combination used multiple times results in multiple copies in the
>>>>database. If the "combo" is identical, but applied to several different
>>>>fields and/or individuals, would it not be in the database only once?
>>>>Either way, being able to make a global change to any given Master
>>>>Source/Source Detail combination would be absolutely wonderful. If this
>>>>what you're advocating, then I'll certainly add my vote and hope that
>>>>Millennia is listening!
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Gail
>>>>Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 8:11 AM
>>>>Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Sources
>>>>Hi Michele, you have hit upon a scenario that is exactly why I hope
>>>>Legacy will consider a change in its source formatting. Your method
>>>>is the same as mine for attaching sources to different people and
>>>>different facts or events. Unfortunately, every time we attach a
>>>>single source to all these different places, it adds an extra
>>>>identical copy of that exact same source in the database.
>>>>I wish so much that the source could just be in the database once and
>>>>then that same source could be attached as a *link* to all the various
>>>>places it needs to go. It would save so much space and would help
>>>>immensely when I find an error I want to correct. I wouldn't have to
>>>>correct 10 duplicate copies. Instead I would just have the one linked
>>>>copy to correct.
>>>>Gail Rich Nestor
>>>>Smyrna, GA

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