Thankyou for your suggestions on the list. It seems I have it solved but unfortunately I don't know why. The baptism source which would not appear was to one master source only, which was only being used by this one family. I checked that all the appropriate selections were made for reporting it. I did a test by adding a "test" source for baptisms, and it appeared on the reports. So, I can only conclude that something was wrong somewhere with that particular Master Source. I replaced the Master Source with a new one, and it seems to be fine.

As part of the panic mode when I discovered this problem, I created other reports from other families, using other baptism sources and noted there was a problem with some of them not appearing on family reports / individual reports. After I did "routine maintenance" etc. I did not think it had solved it.... but since yesterday, I can no longer reproduce the problem, so am watching for it, and just can hope it doesn't reappear.

Thanks again,
----- Original Message ----- From: "ronald ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2008 9:03 AM
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Haphazard sourcing in reports


As I have looked through the last couple of days of emails I have been pondering over this problem. Wendy has made some suggestions but I wonder if there is another possibility.

Legacy's default is to use a Christening field rather than Baptism so have you by any chance created a Baptism Event to record them in this way, or did you use Customise>Data Format to change it. If the former is it possible that you have some recorded under "Christened"?

Ron Ferguson


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Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 18:16:58 +1300
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Haphazard sourcing in reports

Hi Anne,

"I am having some problems with sourcing in reports. I have noticed that
the source for name, birth, baptism, with baptisms in particular often
does not appear in reports, (individual, family or descendant). It seems
to be haphazard in that on other families there is no problem at all.
Sometimes it is everyone in the report while in others, it only happens
to some individuals. After noting this I went through the routine of
backing up, routine maintenance, and then updated with the most recent
copy of Legacy. I have been using Legacy since version 4, so am not new
to the program. Would anyone have any ideas?"

I haven't seen any replies to this (I don't think - there aren't any in
the archives yet, at least).

I wonder if this is a consistent problem? That is, the same sources are
not appearing in reports, or does it change?

If it's a consistent problem, perhaps those particular sources have the
"Add this Detail to the Source Citation on Reports", or the "Include
this Citation on Reports" check box unticked. You will need to open up
an individual Source Detail (one which isn't appearing on your reports)
to check those two boxes.

There is also a check box in the Master Source List, that will turn off
or on an entire Master Source. Check that one, too.

If these don't solve your problem, please let us know so that others can
make suggestions. :-)

Hope this helps.

Kind Regards,
Wendy Howard
Kaiwaka, Northland, New Zealand

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