We are all anxious to get our hands on Legacy 7. No date in stone has been released yet. They want this the best ever. Have you seen Renee Zamora's review on this? She reviewed it when it was shown at BYU. Here are the articles.
Part One:

There was a part two to this article, but my link for it is not working. Maybe someone else has a valid link for it? It has been quite a while, so Ms. Zamora may have taken it down already.

I am waiting for the source templates! (heck, _/anything/_ that helps me keep everything consistent is nice to have). I make fewer mistakes when I practice consistency.

Since some of it has already been shown, that means one thing: it is coming!


Greenvale wrote:
Does anyone know when Legacy 7 will be released?  Also, what significant
modifications are being made above and beyond what Legacy 6 offers?


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