Ron mentioned about not receiving the RootsWeb newsletter, so I have copied the specific article below . Legacy is even mentioned. This prompted the question to the group.

Roger mentioned about the Legacy gedcom feature. It works great and I use it on regular basis.

It appears that there may be a way that Legacy could add the html info to the general notes. The info being taken from the Attached Pictures details. Would hate to have to enter the line for each individual having a picture.

HTML is not really my thing. With much help from this group, I have several sites posted on the web.

Thanks for listening   _J_B_



[[changed to plain text]]

     Using RootsWeb
     Adding Photos to Your WorldConnect Tree
     By Jana Lloyd
     Want to spice up your WorldConnect tree? How about adding some
photographs? Follow these quick steps and you'll soon have your relatives'
photos alongside their facts. Caution: A little bit of HTML savvy required.

     I added this photo of my grandfather to my WorldConnect tree.

     To see the actual page:

     The key to adding a photograph to your WorldConnect tree is this:
place the appropriate HTML image tags in the Note section for an individual
in your GEDCOM file before you upload it to WorldConnect. Here are more
complete steps to make sure you're successful:

     Step One: Enable your WorldConnect tree to accept HTML coding.

     1. Go to My Account.
     2. Click "Edit" next to the WorldConnect tree you want to add a
picture to.
     3. Click "Display Options" in the Tree Settings box.
     4. Scroll down to the line that reads "Allow HTML in GEDCOM" and
select "Yes."
     5. Click Update.

     Note: If you haven't created a My Account page yet, you can enable
HTML settings through the old User Setup/Edit page on WorldConnect. You
must know your tree user code and password to access the tree display
options through the old WorldConnect Setup/Edit page.

     Step Two: Add appropriate HTML image tags to your GEDCOM.

     1. Decide which person you want to attach an image to in your
WorldConnect file.
     2. Open your family tree making software (e.g., Family Tree Maker,
Legacy, PAF, etc.) and locate the individual.
     3. Put the appropriate image HTML tag in the Notes section for that
individual (the Notes section appears as a field, dialogue box, or separate
section depending on your software).

     Here is a basic set of HTML tags you could insert in the Notes
section. It will create a paragraph break and an image.

     <img src="URL where your image is located">

     For example, I included the following HTML tags in my GEDCOM:


     Note: To place an image in your WorldConnect file, the image must
already be hosted by a file server (i.e., it has to be online somewhere).
If you already have an image you want to use on a RootsWeb freepage you can
link to the image there. Since I use Gmail and Google provides its users
with a free website service, I created a Web page and uploaded numerous
family photos to it; then I linked to those images.

     Some free Web hosting services where you can post your photographs
include Angelfire (part of Lycos), GeoCities (part of Yahoo), and (also a part of Lycos). Or, try a search for "free hosting
service" in your Web browser to locate more. One downside of free website
hosting services is that they generally place ads on your Web page. Note
that you should not use a RootsWeb freepage solely for hosting photographs;
pages of this nature will be removed from RootsWeb.

     4. Export your new file as a GEDCOM. The tags will be embedded in the

     Step Three: Replace your existing WorldConnect file with your updated

     1. Go to My Account.
     2. Click "Edit" next to the WorldConnect tree you want to update.
     3. Click "Replace Tree with New GEDCOM" in the Tree Settings box.
     4. Click the Browse button to locate your updated GEDCOM file.
     5. Click Upload File.

     You will have to wait a few minutes for your new tree to upload
before you can view it.

     Have you added other HTML tags to your WorldConnect tree? Please
write in and let us know how you spruced up your tree.


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