Hi Pat,

Reset the Report Options and take another look.

If that hasn't fixed it, close Legacy, delete <descend.usr> in the Legacy program folder and restart Legacy. descend.usr holds your settings for the Descendant Book. Sometimes the usr files are corrupted. Resetting should return it to hold the defaults but sometimes you need to delete it to get back to the defaults.

When you have the settings set how you like them, save them. Reloading your own set of settings can also sometimes clear these problems. If not, reloading them after deleting the usr saves a lot of work.


At 04:37 AM 26/01/2008, you wrote:

Ron and all,

I was in Reports>Books/others and using the Descendant Book. That's why I set the subject up as I did. My source block is grayed out and I am not able to find a way to get it "ungrayed".

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