Barbara Ford wrote:
Thank you, Ron and Cathy,
Sounds like you all persisted until you came up with the answer!

I'm sure it would've been much easier for you if I could have been
clearer with my descriptions (with my lack of understanding of child
list and main entry). I am learning, thanks to the patience of folks
like you.

Would my only work-around (short of not ending a report with that
generation), be to make the private relationship names not be private?
I did try that (unchecking private). Wallah! Last marriage is there.
So, that is definitely it.

Thanks so much again (probably too late for that "bug" to be fixed in V7?).


If you still want to keep that person private, put privacy brackets ( [[ ]] ) around her name and any other information about her that you do not wish to show. You can then print the report without showing her information, only that she existed. After you print your report you can then return everything to the original way it was.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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