Pat Jones wrote:
Cathy, Sherry, Ron and Jenny:

I first copied the original file using the save as, then made the changes to the new file. When I went back to see the original file, it too had changed to match the new file (easy to tell the change as the original file had several more columns in the index view than the new file did; after deleting those columns in the new file and then going back to look at the original file, those columns were missing in the original file as well.)

I asked Sherry for help and am eagerly awaiting what she can come up with.

BTW, I'm using the latest updated version 6.

I may be missing the point here but if you are just creating different files in order to show differences in the screen views, you are doing it the hard way. It would be much easier to start with the first view you wish to show them and make a screen shot of it. Save that one as File_View_1.jpg (or tiff or bmp or gif whatever is your preferred format.) Then make your first change and take another screen shot and so on, naming them sequentially. Save them all to the same folder, say \presentation\. Then use a program like irfanview which will allow you to display the images as a slide show. With Legacy running in the background it is an easy matter to use alt-tab to switch between the two programs as needed to answer questions. If you are really ambitious you can use power point or open office to make a proper presentation. Much cleaner and faster than having many files to manage.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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