Just to let Luc know ... my update did display correctly in Legacy Charting, 
indicating a new update was available and the update link in the Charting 
program worked properly.

When I clicked on the update link, it connected, downloaded and the update 
installed smoothly.

XP Pro w/ all updates

What I was trying to convey was that version 7.0.077 (and the previous 
beta version for that matter) didn't indicate that a newer version was 
available. When clicking on the "Tips & Updates" tab, I was still being 
told that I had 7.0.077 (correct at that time) and that it was the 
latest version (incorrect). Also, no red "Download" button. So your "new 
version available detection" code doesn't work. Or perhaps it now does, 
but we'll have to await another version to find out whether it does or not.

Mike Fry

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