Art Seddon wrote:
Of course they paid for it first and we old-timers haven't because a way has NOT been available.

Art Seddon\


This old-timer paid for a new V6 Deluxe shortly after it was announced that a free upgrade to V7 was included. Obviously a way was available. I saw an opportunity to be assured of a faster upgrade route and took it. I don't understand all the crying about being treated unfairly. Everyone had the same opportunity. You can't cry and blame someone else because you failed to take the opportunity when it presented itself. Every new product roll out (including upgrades) has to have a well mapped and organized plan in order to succeed on the most levels. For the people crying that they have been using Legacy for years so they should be first I can only say, I and others have been using Legacy forever also. We have already paid for the upgrade through the process made available by Millenia Corp to every established user. Do you really feel that you deserve the upgrade before us, even though you have not pre-paid. A line has to be drawn someplace and the roll out commenced in orderly stages or we will all be waiting even longer while Millenia repairs their crashed servers caused by download overload. Please be patient and allow the process to continue with out all the ME-TOO BOO HOO's and return the list to genuine Legacy issues and drop the "I Whine" issues. <g>

Just another "old" old-timer.
Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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