If Millennia put it up there for download right away, almost EVERYONE would be hitting their site. Even the folks that ordered a CD that would arrive in a few days/weeks would probably be using the download. This means more hits on the download server, poorer download service, more maintenance, more back-of-the-house expense, etc.

Thus by shipping the CDs first, they are reducing the amount of folks that will want/need to download it right away. This is not only a wise cost saving effort (less server expense, less customer service expense, etc), it will also give better download service to those that do download it (fewer people trying to connect to the box at the same time to do the downloads). This will result in less system crashes/problems and thus less complaints once the downloads start. This translates to GOOD BUSINESS SENSE that will save them some "behind the scenes" support expense, a savings that will allow them to continue to offer FANTASTIC software for GREAT prices.

The other thing to remember, there is always a "you get it first" group, and a "you get it later" group, no matter HOW they distribute it. No business can get their product to all the people at the same time. (If they put it on download first, dial-up folks would probably complain 'cause download is more difficult to them, or folks that prefer to do their installs via CD would complain, or . . . etc, etc, etc). They can NOT please all the people, no matter what they do. They just have to make a decision and dive in. Please do NOT take it personally that your access to the new program will be a few days later. Heck - you may even benefit - the folks that get it on CD will be the first "guinea pigs" to "test" the official product, and thus by the time you download it, there may already be a quick patch or two included in the event that some unforeseen bug sneaks through.

Don't get me wrong, I'm just as anxious as everyone else to see it. But waiting another few days/weeks isn't going to change my life.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dermot McGlone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Not fair Millennia!


I'm sorry for the block caps, and the tone of the above line, but this
is what these messages remind me of, a three year old child whining
because his favourite toy was taken away.  I'm just getting sick and
tired of all these messages looking for v7 NOW.  Will you all please
relax, chill out, take a chill pill, chillax, whatever, but have a
little patience.

Does it REALLY matter if you have the new software a few weeks after
the very first release of it?  If you answer yes, ask yourself "why
does it matter?" Is your life going to be so much worse because you
have to wait about 21-28 or so days (I'm guessing here, I don't have
any insights)?

Come on, a little perspective is needed here.  There are many of us
who have been users of Legacy for quite a while (got Legacy v5.0 in
February 2005 myself), and while many of us are impatient, whining
like a child isn't going to make Millennia deliver it any faster.

Please, just take a step back, and have a little patience.

/* returns to normal lurking (and occasional interjection) */



2008/5/16 Erik Pilgaard Vinther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Correct me if I have misunderstood, but as you are now shipping the Legacy 7 Delux Version to new customers, the software IS ready. I can easily wait for
the major re-vamp of your website, the training videos, press releases,
mailing list for announcements (I think it's save to say that all LUG
members are fully aware of the new release) - I just want the software by


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