I am hoping one of you  can clear this up for me.
Now maybe its me, and I am completely misunderstandiing the issues here.

Is what you are trying to get across, that in order for the new version 7 of LG 
to  fuction  in every area effeciently; that one must also have  IE 7 on their 

If so I am in big  trouble; I have IE6 on my computer and have NO notion of 
ever        ugrading it to IE7; (it in itself can be so toublesome.)

Comeon now according to you long time users here; I understood that Legacy and 
the  Millennia Corp  were tops in Family Tree prorammes.
Why on  earth would they  go to all the work of producung yet another newer 
version and have it connected in any way to a securtiy           programme or 
any MS products.
This would be favouring some products while shunning others and not be in their 
best interests of Millennia Corp..

Is the direct casue of  all the error messages as well as blank pages, you 
people are having now with LG7; the direct results of not having IE7?

Thanks to any one that can clear these questions up for me.

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