Hi Chick,

I don't know about the source problem in transferring as I've never used FTM and I understand it handles sources differently. Many come over because of the better sourcing in Legacy.

However, re the spaces in notes. Import again and check out the options re how the notes are broken - and that should be one clean up job out of the way.

The next is to go to the Master Lists (View - Master Lists) and clean up each one. Some of your issues will be addressed that way.

Then it's down to the individual level. You may be able to use searches to find the relevant individuals for each thing you need to sort out then.

Others no doubt will have other tips.

Re version 7 - the only people who have it are beta testers and some who bought version 6 with the promise of a free upgrade to version 7. They've been getting it first because they've already paid for it. The last official statement I recall re general release was early June.


At 06:37 AM 2/06/2008, you wrote:
II am a long time user of FTM but I am thinking of converting to Legacy. I downloaded Legacy V6 (standard) but I notice that many of you on this list have version 7. How did you get it? I have not seen it for sale anywhere and according to the website, it is not yet available. I also notice that a few of you (Alan and Ole) are also on the FTM list, so I assume you are using both FTM and Legacy. I am curious as to why anyone would want to maintain two files and try to keep them updated especially since Legacy seems to have everything that FTM has and more.

I have imported a GEDCOM from FTM ver 16 but unfortunately, GEDCOMs from FTM do not transfer properly even though I followed the Legacy suggestions on import (Dest: FTW, Ver 5.5, ANSEL and Abbreviated Tag box checked.) 4554 people and 1581 marriages seem to have transferred properly, but sources are messed up and there are unwanted spaces in some of the notes. Whether or not I stay with FTM and go to FTM2008 or switch to Legacy, it appears I will have to do some file clean-up as sources and facts are handled differently. Does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way to clean up my file without having to go through each individual? Thanks
Chick from Camarillo

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