I have Legacy 7 and just checked this out for you.  From the main tool
bar, you can go to Options, Customize, Data Entry.  At the bottom of
the screen is the global setting for changing the wife's surname, or
not changing married names.  You can also make this change
individually at the Marriage info window.

Hope this helps.


On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 8:51 PM, Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've just finished watching the video online for some of the new features of
> Legacy 7 and I love the inclusion of the married names in indexes etc which
> is relevant for the vast majority of marriages in my file. But haven't been
> able to download the program yet so I'm not able to check this out for
> myself but what I'm wondering is there a solution to or if, not any
> suggestions for work arounds for the following.
> I like more and more women have retained my maiden name on marriage. What
> I'm wondering does the program have a check box or something for each women
> that you can tick if name was not changed on marriage (which would then
> alter indexes etc) or if not what would LUG members suggest as a work around
> for this situation.
> Thanks in advance.
> Belinda
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