
If you have XP or Vista then,

Please download this Windows script file and run on your computer.
"FixLegacyChartingInstall.bat"  Then try re-installing Legacy again.


Luc Comeau
Legacy Family Tree

On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 18:04, JLB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know this subject has been around the board about 20 times already but
> this may be new take on how confusing things can get. ....
> I first installed v.7 on my desktop.  I think everything was fine.  I never
> did  try the Charting so I can't say if that part was.  Then my desktop
> crashed so I installed v.7 on my laptop, did some work with it and backed up
> the entire directory to an external hard-drive.  At that point my desktop
> decided to grace me with a restart so I copied the entire backup folder over
> the top of the installation directory on the desktop.
> That's when I noticed the Legacy Charting folder in Windows Explorer, right
> smack in the middle of the Legacy 7 directory.  It was not there previously.
> Now, having paid at least somewhat attention to the Legacy Charting threads
> I know I heard Ken say it's better to uninstall your first version of Legacy
> Charting after you install v.7.  So I looked around for another folder
> called Legacy Charting and found it under Program Files\Legacy Charting.  I
> opened it, clicked the uninstall button and it uninstalled.  I deleted the
> bits that were left over, opened Legacy 7 and clicked on Charting.  A
> message popped up - You do not have Legacy Charting installed and therefore
> cannot open it.  Huh?  Somehow I've gone from having possibly 2 versions of
> Charting on my desktop to having none.  It also tells me to reinstall Legacy
> 7 to get the charting back.  I did that (twice) and it still says I don't
> have Legacy Charting.  Next question:  how much do I care?  Well, quite a
> bit.
> Ken!!?
> JL
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Luc Comeau

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