Dede and Interested Legacy Staff,

In the Reports window, under Miscellaneous Reports, I click on Source Citation Listing. The Source Citation Report Window has two tabs...Include and Options.

On the Include tab I have selected Only Tagged Sources (I have already tagged the particular source I want a reoprt of) andMaster Sources and All Citations to Each One. I have also selected "include specific events" and all four items under that.

On the Options tab all seven choices at the top of the tab are checked and Printed Style Format is selected.

Source Writer has been used to establish the Master Sources and the Source Detail .

The resultant Source Citation report the first time I printed it for a particular tagged Master Source was fine and the Source Detail is included. When I tag a different Master Source and the same selections remain on the Include and Options tabs, the Source Detail is NOT included when I print the Source Citation Report.

I am able to add more citations to the first source and those addition print properly on the Source Citation Report.

If I tag both the first source and another one, the first source prints properly, including the source detail for each event, but the next source excludes the source detail for each event.

Suggestions anyone?

Tom Herson
Ithaca, NY
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dede Holden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Source Citation Reports

Since I'm one of those who has been guilty in the past of answering
the wrong question, I'm trying to be careful here.  There are two tabs
available when you choose Source Citation Report.  Have you looked at
both of those and marked the appropriate boxes?  It seems that there
is more than one place to choose what prints on various reports.

I have had a problem with the source text and details printing
properly on Family Group Reports when I've added new sources using the
SourceWriter. That has been discussed and I understand that the
programmers are working on it, if they haven't already fixed it.  But
on my Source Citation Report, it appears that all is well.  I do have
sources that were added in Legacy 6 and have not been changed, as well
as new sources added since I got Legacy 7, both using the
SourceWriter, as well as the Basic entry screen.  I checked all of
these and everything is printing as I have requested, both at the
Source entry level, as well as the Source Citation Report level.

Dede Holden

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 9:05 PM, Thomas Herson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have checked the archives and I see nothing about the problem I'm dealing

Source detail is printing fine in the footnote/endmote.

What I am trying to get across is that the source (or citation) detail is
not printing on the Source Citation Report even though the option to include
it has been checked.

What is odd is that I series of citations for the Social Security Death
Index as a major source with the detail appropriate to each individual. The
citations printed correctly  on the Source Citation Report, including the
source detail

When I went through the same process using the Application for a Social
Security Account (SS-5) as the Master Source, citing source details for each
person, the source detail does NOT appear in the Source Citation Account.

I then did a test with 2 or 3 more made up sources and the problem repeated

This has nothing to do with source details not appearing in footnotes or
source details not appearing in subseguent citations.

I'm tryingto explain all of this again because I get the impression that
sometimes helpful people answer what they think the question is rather than
what the question really is.

If the problem I am experiencing has indeed been previously reported as a
bug, where is the evidence of that? Why did Geoff not know about it.

I appreciate all assistance.

Tom Herson
Ithaca, NY

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