Jane Sarles wrote:

3. In my practice set, I have Helen Holloway dying in Shelbyville, Shelby County, Kentucky, USA. I have put in the place, but wish to add the hospital. However, when I click on the plus sign after the place space, nothing happens - no other screen opens up. How do I put the address in?

This seems to be the only question not directly addressed so I will attempt to 
help you with it.

When you click on the plus sign a small box should pop up giving three choices.

Death Address
Death Notes
Death Pictures

Selecting "Death Address" gives you the opportunity to select, or add, a 
location address.
Selecting "Death Notes" opens a notes field tied directly to this individuals 
Selecting "Death Pictures" allows you to add pictures that you feel should be associated with that individuals death.

Don't ask me what to enter in these fields as those questions tend to start "flame wars" among the "No I'm right!" crowd. Enter what you feel should go there and what YOU are comfortable with. As long as you do not stray too far from generally accepted practices and the end result is understandable you will be OK.

If the small pop up box does not appear to give you the above choices you should contact Millenia Support directly.

There are a small number of people on this list who are always negative and criticizing everyone who doesn't do it "their way." I would suggest you take what they say with a grain of salt and if they say "The rules say to do it this way" just remember that this is your hobby and there are no "RULES" that you "MUST" follow. Only suggestions to help you be organized and consistently understandable.

I hope this helps get you going and good luck.
Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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