Since you want to send text mail, why are you sellecting HTML?

C.G. Ouimet 
Kingston, ON 



[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Pat and
Rita Molloy
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 05:35
To: Legacy User Group
Subject: [LegacyUG] HTML & Plain Text.

Recently there have been a number of messages to the User Group about emails
which are in HTML, and not in plain text.
I use Windows Mail.
Not being very computer literate, I contacted Legacy support asking how to
configure Windows Mail so that my messages would be sent in Plain Text. They
politely referred me to Rootsweb.
I looked on Rootsweb and found they have a long list of programmes for which
they give instructions on how to configure these programmes so that messages
are sent in plain text, however Windows Mail is conspicuous by it's
So I emailed Rootsweb, and asked  the question. Today, I had a reply which
is no help at all. "We do not try to indentify all the possible email
methods that subscribers to our mailing lists may use"  They have Poco and
Juno, but not Windows Mail.
There must be someone on the List who also uses Windows Mail. 
I have used these settings. Windows Mail>Tools>Options>Send
Mail Sending Format gives a choice of either HTML or Plain Text; I have
checked HTML.
News Sending format again gives the choice of HTML or Plain Text, this time
I have checked Plain Text.
I have also checked the box which says Reply to email messages in the format
they were sent.
Have I got it right?
Pat Molloy

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