
I totally agree...and I'm sorry to say that is seems to be the norm here...with 
the same players usually.  They can take a subject & turn it around to a 
witch-burning so fast you have a huge download of useless messages in an 
instant.  And when someone speaks up against the practice they turn on them.

They never seem grateful for the wonders they have, only gripe about bits of 
imperfection & ask for more. 

If it was my list, it would be -flame once, warning- flame twice, banned.  I 
don't know how the Legacy staff stays so calm...Chocolate must be involved... 
<g>  They are good people with a good product & for a VERY reasonable price.  

Hey... maybe Legacy can start a second list for grownups... people with manners 
who know how to discuss problems & solutions without getting snide, rude & 
insulting??? LOL


  Hi Ward,

  Thanks for a thoughtful and articulate post.  I am a new user of Legacy, 
having recently switched over from TMG v7 to Legacy 7, and have been hovering 
along the side-lines of this list for the past couple of weeks or so.  I have 
never used Legacy 6.  I have also been a database developer for many years, and 
after trying out most of the competing products I settled on Legacy as the best 
choice, bugs or not.

  The only other genealogy mailing list that I have been associated with is the 
TMG list.  And although I have come to prefer Legacy to TMG, I must say that 
during the 2 years that I used it and participated in its mail list, I never 
encountered the lack of respect for the feelings of other users that I have 
seen here recently.

  I always found the TMG list to be extremely helpful.  But, as a total 
newcomer to the Legacy-world, I find myself hesitating to post here. I would 
hope that the anger, frustration and bad feeling toward the developers and also 
toward other posters that I have observed here lately is a transient thing, 
rather than the norm.


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