You have accurately described a problem with editing the Details in a Source 
record. I still am a lumper and rather than do it on a geographical basis, as 
yourself, I lump using where I got the information from and the year eg. all 
censuses from Ancestry are lumped together for each year.
I lump largely because I do not wish to have a long list of sources on my web 
pages/reports, not because of taking up memory. I also skimp on what I put in 
the Source Detail in order to minimise the possiblity of error.

Ron Ferguson

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> To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyFamilyTree.com
> Subject: [LegacyUG] Census records: Master Source v. Detail Source
> Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 10:04:32 +0000
> Hi everyone,
> It will be much later on in the weekend before I am able to read the replies
> to this, but hear goes (again). I have really tried to look back in the
> archives to read the long thread on 'lumping and splitting' but it is no
> longer there.
> When Legacy 7 was released with the new sourcewriter tool, I made two
> decisions. Firstly, that I would convert my sources to the 'new system' and
> secondly to try and lump my sources together, taking the advice in Evidence
> Explained on page 259: 
> "Most researchers find that the Source List is not the place to list census
> entries by household or personal name. That level of detail in a Source List
> soon makes the list unmanageable."
> I am generally very pleased with the new sourcewriter, but have got myself
> in a real mess with lumping sources together. I just wondered how others
> were managing with this and if I am doing something drastically wrong. I am
> in the process of splitting all my sources once more, coming to the
> conclusion that I am certainly not one of those 'Most researchers'.
> Example: If I lump together all my Staffordshire census details for 1901, I
> may have 10 different addresses. Let's say, there are 5 people living at
> each address - that's 50 people (some which may have duplicate names). I
> have been very careful in transcribing all the census information and have
> attached all the .jpg files with the digital copies of the census to the
> detail source. I have carefully used the clipboard to copy the census
> details linked to the appropriate 'events'. I may have cited the 'detail
> source' for one person often three or more times - to link to occupation,
> address, name/alt.name, birth etc. All is going fine, and I finish the job.
> The next day I notice I have made a transcription error in transcribing the
> details from the census at one location and need to put it right.
> If I go the Master source list and find all the people linked to the Master
> source, I get 50 people. Firstly I have to locate which 5 people were
> living at the particular address where I want to make the correction.
> Having done that I have to go to each individuals record and either make the
> alteration (often 3 or more times for each person, as I have cited the
> census for address, alt.name, occupation etc) or make the alteration once
> and use the clipboard. Even if I use the clipboard I have to alter it for
> each individual person because the ID of the person changes with each
> different person that lived at that address.
> I don't know if people have followed this so far, but it seems rather a
> complicated process. So much easier is it to use a separate Master source
> for each individual address and to add the transcription and .jpg files to
> the master source. Then if you find an error, one alteration and click the
> button that says alter all master sources (or words to that effect) and the
> job is done. I can hear people say, because the templates have been set up
> in a particular way you still need to use the 'Detail Source' to input some
> of the information (I would actually prefer to have this information as part
> of the master source), but as far as I can see, the less information you put
> in the 'Detail Source' the better - the less you need to alter if you find
> an error.
> I can't see the problem in having a long Master Source list. My computer
> can deal with it, and providing you are careful and consistent in the way
> you name Master sources I can't see the problem. Or perhaps I'm missing
> something..........
> Best wishes
> David
> *****************************************************
> David S Brookes
> Musical Director, The Brewood Singers
> www.brewoodsingers.co.uk
> Organist & Choirmaster, Polesworth Abbey
> www.polesworthabbey.co.uk
> *****************************************************
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