With respect, Boyd. it has and the answer was No, you cannot search them in the 
way you suggest.
The subsequent discussion was concerned whether Legacy could and/or should do 
anything about it.
Biirths, marriages and deaths *are* events and a location is always attached to 
an event of one sort or another. At least I cannot think of an instance where I 
would use a stand-alone location.Ron Ferguson 
_____________________________________________________________________ *New 
Tutorial* Publish your Web Pages  - Blogshttp://www.fergys.co.uk View the 
Grimshaw Family Tree at: http://www.fergys.co.uk/Grimshaw/ For The Fergusons of 
N.W. England See: http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/fergys/ 
_____________________________________________________________________ > From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com> Subject: RE: 
[LegacyUG] Searching Location notes field> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 20:17:11 
+1300> > Hi folks,> > This string has gone totally off the course of my 
original question relating> to Location Notes. It is clear that most 
respondents have never even> noticed the Notes field that is associated with 
each Location!> > If you bring up the Master Location list and edit any 
location you will see> a Notes field. This can be used for recording changes to 
the name of the> place as political boundaries change or the place itself 
changes its name,> historical notes about the place, population at any 
particular time, or> anything of interest that relate to the place itself.> > 
This is nothing to do with events, except that you will generally have a> 
Location associated with an event. The Location Notes relate to that> location 
itself and therefore to any other part of Legacy in which you use> that 
Location - births, deaths, marriages, events or any other piece of> information 
that has a Location associated with it.> > There is currently no provision that 
I can find to search this field for a> particular word or something that 
contains a particular word. It is not one> of the fields listed in Search > 
Detailed search > Where to look, although> that list includes all sorts of 
other fields (and some like address are> covered in great detail even down to 
telephone numbers).> > Does anyone know a way to search these Notes? Is this 
something for a> suggested improvement?> > Boyd > > -----Original Message-----> 
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jenny M> 
Benson> Sent: Wednesday, 19 November 2008 4:28 a.m.> To: 
LegacyUserGroup@LegacyFamilyTree.com> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Searching 
Location notes field> > > Marion Rainey wrote> >Any suggestions you could make 
would be greatly appreciated.  The E> >book sounds really good, but I can't 
afford it at the moment; likewise > >the same for the Legacy videos.  They do a 
great job.  My biggest > >complaint is that after all the reading and digging, 
I have yet to see > >an actual example of how a census or a vital record looks 
when properly > >entered into Legacy. > > Are you meaning how the Source 
Citation looks, or how the "Event" itself > looks. I presume you mean the 
former. There are many versions of > "properly entered" according to who you 
ask, so the "right way" for you > will be however you choose to do it, really. 
Most importantly, bear in > mind that the purpose of a Source Citation is to 
allow you or anyone > else to see exactly how you arrived at a conclusion and - 
where possible > - to replicate the steps.> > For example, you might use a 
Birth Certificate as a Source for an > Individual's name and date of birth. 
Your Source Citation needs to > identify that you used a Birth Certificate and 
state where that Birth > Certificate can be found and/or where a copy of it can 
be obtained.> > If you use the Templates in Legacy 7 you will find that most of 
the > common Sources are covered and they really do lead you step by step > 
through the citation. Each field to be completed has a title which > indicates 
what it should contain and if you hover your cursor over the > field name you 
can read the full version of the grey text explanation > that appears in each 
field before you start typing. (Sometimes its > truncated in the field.)> > Try 
creating a little test file and work with that, trying out different > 
templates and see how the output looks and decide whether you want to > change 
things at all. You can always use the Override option if you > aren't entirely 
happy with the result.> > > Also, I'm a little hung up on the anatomy of some 
of my vital records> >certificates.  For instance, there may be more than one 
set of numbers > >on a birth certificate.  What do they represent and which 
does one list > >and how?  I'm sure both sets are important. > > This depends 
very much on the issuing authority. I can only speak for > English and Welsh 
Certificates which have 1 or 2 numbers: all have the > number of the 
Certificate itself and GRO-issued Certificates have a > number identifying the 
application for the Certificate. The latter is > not important and the former 
not really important to the Citation as > someone else can get a Certificate 
for the same registration which will > have a different number on it. What *is* 
important (in England and > Wales) is the Reference Number used to obtain the 
Certificate. If the > Certificate is a GRO copy the reference is usually in the 
form of > Quarter date, Registration District, Volume No and Page No. This is > 
what someone needs to know if they are to obtain a Certificate the same > as 
the one you are citing.> > If you are talking about Certificates from a 
specific state in USA or > Australia or from elsewhere, then please say which 
and I'm sure someone > with knowledge of that region will help you.> > -- > 
Jenny M Benson> 
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