Try Search and Replace in the Search menu, look for Notes-Location
Notes or Lists-Location Notes, but be carefull not to delete any text
in those Notes fields. If you just want to search and not to replace
anything just enter the same text in the search and in the replace

2008/11/19 Boyd Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi folks,
> This string has gone totally off the course of my original question relating
> to Location Notes.  It is clear that most respondents have never even
> noticed the Notes field that is associated with each Location!
> If you bring up the Master Location list and edit any location you will see
> a Notes field.  This can be used for recording changes to the name of the
> place as political boundaries change or the place itself changes its name,
> historical notes about the place, population at any particular time, or
> anything of interest that relate to the place itself.
> This is nothing to do with events, except that you will generally have a
> Location associated with an event.  The Location Notes relate to that
> location itself and therefore to any other part of Legacy in which you use
> that Location - births, deaths, marriages, events or any other piece of
> information that has a Location associated with it.
> There is currently no provision that I can find to search this field for a
> particular word or something that contains a particular word.  It is not one
> of the fields listed in Search > Detailed search > Where to look, although
> that list includes all sorts of other fields (and some like address are
> covered in great detail even down to telephone numbers).
> Does anyone know a way to search these Notes?  Is this something for a
> suggested improvement?
> Boyd
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jenny M
> Benson
> Sent: Wednesday, 19 November 2008 4:28 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Searching Location notes field
> Marion Rainey wrote
>>Any suggestions you could make would be greatly appreciated.  The E
>>book sounds really good, but I can't afford it at the moment; likewise
>>the same for the Legacy videos.  They do a great job.  My biggest
>>complaint is that after all the reading and digging, I have yet to see
>>an actual example of how a census or a vital record looks when properly
>>entered into Legacy.
> Are you meaning how the Source Citation looks, or how the "Event" itself
> looks.  I presume you mean the former.  There are many versions of
> "properly entered" according to who you ask, so the "right way" for you
> will be however you choose to do it, really.  Most importantly, bear in
> mind that the purpose of a Source Citation is to allow you or anyone
> else to see exactly how you arrived at a conclusion and - where possible
> - to replicate the steps.
> For example, you might use a Birth Certificate as a Source for an
> Individual's name and date of birth.  Your Source Citation needs to
> identify that you used a Birth Certificate and state where that Birth
> Certificate can be found and/or where a copy of it can be obtained.
> If you use the Templates in Legacy 7 you will find that most of the
> common Sources are covered and they really do lead you step by step
> through the citation.  Each field to be completed has a title which
> indicates what it should contain and if you hover your cursor over the
> field name you can read the full version of the grey text explanation
> that appears in each field before you start typing.  (Sometimes its
> truncated in the field.)
> Try creating a little test file and work with that, trying out different
> templates and see how the output looks and decide whether you want to
> change things at all.  You can always use the Override option if you
> aren't entirely happy with the result.
>> Also, I'm a little hung up on the anatomy of some of my vital records
>>certificates.  For instance, there may be more than one set of numbers
>>on a birth certificate.  What do they represent and which does one list
>>and how?  I'm sure both sets are important.
> This depends very much on the issuing authority.  I can only speak for
> English and Welsh Certificates which have 1 or 2 numbers: all have the
> number of the Certificate itself and GRO-issued Certificates have a
> number identifying the application for the Certificate.  The latter is
> not important and the former not really important to the Citation as
> someone else can get a Certificate for the same registration which will
> have a different number on it.  What *is* important (in England and
> Wales) is the Reference Number used to obtain the Certificate.  If the
> Certificate is a GRO copy the reference is usually in the form of
> Quarter date, Registration District, Volume No and Page No.  This is
> what someone needs to know if they are to obtain a Certificate the same
> as the one you are citing.
> If you are talking about Certificates from a specific state in USA or
> Australia or from elsewhere, then please say which and I'm sure someone
> with knowledge of that region will help you.
> --
> Jenny M Benson
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