> Mark Wilson wrote:
>> <snip>Whenever the [StartYear] and [EndYear] string variables are
>> used, the
>> values appear to default to the [BirthYear] and [DeathYear],
>> respectively.  So why not just use the [BirthYear] and [DeathYear]
>> string variables in the first place?
>> That is why I was wondering what data fields the [StartYear] and
>> [EndYear] string variables represented (other than the [BirthYear] and
>> [DeathYear] ).
>> <snip>
> Mike Fry wrote:
> Perhaps the [StartYear} and [EndYear] variables do default to the
> Birth and Death years, but can be modified by application of the Year
> Range parameter. See the IGI Search dialog and click on the Search
> Options button and select the Search Options tab.
Thanks Mike!

Within the IGA Search Options, it makes sense that the program handles
the date range internally -- adjustable from the exact date to ±20 years
-- without the benefit of using the [StartYear] and [EndYear] string
variables.  This same type of date range that you point out is, in my
opinion, exactly what [StartYear] and [EndYear] should accomplish.

By their implication, the variables are intended to be used in a limited
search, but where?  One guess is that the programmers included these
variables to be used in a web search string where the host accepts those
data search field values.  As stated before, even when used in the
search string for a website, the values default to the Birth Year and
Death Year.  (Click on Internet > Search Internet for Current
Person...)  The values for Start Year/[StartYear] and End Year/[EndYear]
default to the Birth Year and Death Year, respectively.  There is no way
provided to change the field values for End Year or Start Year, either
directly, or through the use of the [StartYear] and [EndYear] string
variables.  (In this case, we are assuming that the website we are
searching will accept the values sent by the [StartYear] and [EndYear]

I suppose it really isn't that important to solve the mystery of how to
use the [StartYear] and [EndYear] string variables inside or outside the
fixed [BirthYear] and [DeathYear] values, however, it was put into the
program for some reason.  Maybe the programmer(s) can chime in?

As a suggestion for use in notes and source citations, I'd like to be
able to use the existing variables and additional ones.  How about
adding new variables such as [AkaName], [TitlePre], [TitleSuf],
[UserID], [BirthPlace], [DeathPlace], [DeathCause],  [MarriageDate],
[MarriagePlace], [MarriageStatus], [MarriageStatusDate], [BaptDate],
[BaptPlace], [BuryDate], [BuryPlace], [MotherName], [MotherMarriedName],
[FatherName], [FatherMarriedName], [SiblingNames], et cetera.

In case someone else wants to play with sentence structure or search
strings within Legacy, here's a list of constant string variables used
by Legacy.  There may be others....

*** Web Search ***
[GivenNames] = First Name & Second Name & (Third Name) of Individual
[FirstName] = First Name of Individual
[MiddleName] = Middle Name of Individual
[SurName] = Last Name of Individual
[WholeName] = First Name & Second Name & Last Name of Individual
[BirthDate] = Date of Birth of Individual
[BirthDate_DMY] = Date of Birth of Individual in Day-Month-Year format
[BirthYear] = Year of Birth of Individual
[DeathDate] = Date of Death of Individual
[DeathDate_DMY] = Date of Birth of Individual in Day-Month-Year format
[DeathYear] = Year of Death of Individual
[StartYear] = ? - defaults to BirthYear?
[EndYear] = ? - defaults to DeathYear?

*** Events ***
[Name] = Full Name of individual
[CoupleNames] = Full Name of Both People
[CoupleFirstNames] = First Names of Both People
[HusbFirstName] = First Name of Husband
[HusbFullName] = Full Name of Husband
[HusbSurname] = Last Name of Husband
[HusbMarriedSurname] = Married Name of Husband
[WifeFirstName] = First Name of Wife
[WifeFullName] = Full Name of Wife
[WifeSurname] = Last Name of Wife
[WifeMarriedSurname] = Married Name of Wife
[HeShe] = He or She, Depending on Gender
[HisHer] = His or Her, Depending on Gender
[FirstHeShe] = First Name then He or She, Depending on Gender
[Desc] = Events Description
[-Desc] = Events Description - in lowercase
[Desc/Notes] = Description if not blank, else Notes
[-Desc/Notes] = Description if not blank, else Notes - in lowercase
[inDesc] = "in" Event Description
[-inDesc] = "in" Event Description - in lowercase
[onDesc] = "on" Event Description
[-onDesc] = "on" Event Description - in lowercase
[fromDesc] = "from" Event Description
[-fromDesc] = "from" Event Description - in lowercase
[toDesc] = "to" Event Description
[-toDesc] = "to" Event Description - in lowercase
[atDesc] = "at" Event Description
[-atDesc] = "at" Event Description - in lowercase
[Date] = Event Date
[onDate] = "on" Event Date
[fromDate] = Event Date FROM-(TO)
[Place] = Event Location
[inPlace] = "in" Event Location
[onPlace] = "on" Event Location
[fromPlace] = "from" Event Location
[toPlace] = "to" Event Location
[atPlace] = "at" Event Location
[~Place] = Event Location - short form
[~inPlace] = "in" Event Location - short form
[~onPlace] = "on" Event Location - short form
[~fromPlace] = "from" Event Location - short form
[~toPlace] = "to" Event Location - short form
[~atPlace] = "at" Event Location - short form
[Notes] = Event Notes
[-Notes] = Event Notes - 1st letter in lowercase
[Address] = Event Address
[EventName] = Event Name
[-EventName] = Event Name - 1st letter in lowercase
[Sources] = Event Source Citation References
[CR] = Carriage Return

*** Other ***
[[anything]] = Private, do not Print or Export

Mark Wilson
] = "from" Event Location<br>
[toPlace] = "to" Event Location<br>
[atPlace] = "at" Event Location<br>
[~Place] = Event Location - short form<br>
[~inPlace] = "in" Event Location - short form<br>
[~onPlace] = "on" Event Location - short form<br>
[~fromPlace] = "from" Event Location - short form<br>
[~toPlace] = "to" Event Location - short form<br>
[~atPlace] = "at" Event Location - short form<br>
[Notes] = Event Notes<br>
[-Notes] = Event Notes - 1st letter in lowercase<br>
[Address] = Event Address<br>
[EventName] = Event Name<br>
[-EventName] = Event Name - 1st letter in lowercase<br>
[Sources] = Event Source Citation References<br>
[CR] = Carriage Return<br>
*** Other ***<br>
[[anything]] = Private, do not Print or Export<br>
Mark Wilson</font><br>

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