>If your birthday was 1 jan 1900 then on 1 jan 1901 you would have entered
your 2nd year.

>But on 1 Jan 1901 you would celebrate your first birthday and be considered
one year old until your second birthday on 1 Jan 1902.

>This is a cultural thing, and it will be incorrect for 1/2 the world, even
if switched to the other.

>No, ...  it's not a cultural thing. What you seem to be describing is an
artefact of some old gravestones which mention that a person died in the nth
year of their life. That means they'd had n-1 birthdays.

Perhaps a different type of analogy would help to clarify the two different
types of dating being debated here--both of which seem to be used in at
least all cultures that follow our calendar. Let's say I took a job as a
software engineer (snickers allowed <g>). 

--- On Day 1, I could say it was my "first day on the job," 
    even though I had not finished a full day of work. 

--- If I'm still there 3 months later, I could say I was in my 
   "first year on the job," even though I had not finished 
    a full year.

--- If I'm still there 12 months and 1 day later, I could say 
        - I had been there for 1 year, 
        - I was in my second year on the job.
    Both statements would be correct

Age works the same way. Two days ago I had another birthday. I turned 29
(snickers are still allowed ;-).  Today I'm "29" years and 2 days, which
I'll call "29" until my next birthday, rather than keeping track of days and
months. But I'm already into my "30th" year. 

Elizabeth (the other one)

Elizabeth Shown Mills, CG, CGL, FASG
Hendersonville, Tennessee 

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