On Fri, 9 Jan 2009 20:36:06 -0800, "Kirsten Bowman" <vik...@rvi.net>

>The trouble is that some of our list members are on dial-up with no high speed 
>connection option.  Worse still, some have traffic limitations and they get 
>understandably aggravated when an HTML message eats up an inordinate chunk of 
>their monthly allotment.  So it's actually a case of justified complaining 
>rather than arbitrary etiquette rules or sniping.  It's a shame that HTML 
>can't be automatically stripped as it is with RootsWeb lists, but it's 
>something we have to live with.

In addition, HTML (more so the scripting it can contain) can do
malicious things to your PC. And some folks on the list filter HTML
messages to the trash bin or delete them entirely. So if you want the
max number of people to read your post, send in plain text.

Dennis Kowallek

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