Hi Allen

Of course! Thanks for reminding me! I must have been a little brain dead to have forgotten that tidbit, LOL. I just have never used it We share on our home network of 4 Macs and one WinXP and I sync up to "the cloud". I backup to Time Capsule daily and monthly to a separate firewire hard drive. I'll continue to use Dropbox for syncing my Legacy files between my two computers (much faster and more reliable than the cloud). It's the best way to go, in my opinion, for doing that.


On Feb 8, 2009, at 11:32 PM, Allen Watson wrote:


I think Jim is referring to the "Drop Box" folder you will find in your username/Library/Public folder; it's standard in Mac OS X, Intel or not. And by turning on Sharing (in System Prefs) for that folder, any Mac on the same network can access that Drop Box folder. Problem is, ANYONE who has access
to your network will have read access to your Public folder, and write
access to Drop Box. And there is no automated copying up to the "cloud," which is why Jim uses Mozy, another "store it on the Internet" service, one
I've heard highly recommended.


From: Kathy Cardoza <kmacard...@mac.com>
Reply-To: Legacy <LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com>
Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2009 07:25:10 -0800
To: Legacy <LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com>
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Using Dropbox to sync Legacy


I'm confused (not hard to do   :) ....How does Dropbox come with Mac
OS? I must have missed the boat there. I should have mentioned before
that I store my Legacy Pictures folder in my Dropbox as well. That
way, the pictures I use in Legacy are always in sync on both
computers. And, by the way, the reason I put my Dropbox on my Mac side is that way, it is backed up hourly by Time Machine to my Time Capsule as are my Legacy data files and backups. It works much better that way
for backing up. I'd LOVE to put my entire Surnames folder from my Mac
side into Dropbox so that it, too, could always be synced to both
computers but that would exceed the 2GB free limit and I don't want to pay for yet another subscription. :) Yes on the response to 10 years
ago!  LOL


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On Feb 7, 2009, at 5:37 AM, Jim Winfrey wrote:


Drop Box comes with Mac OSx for Intel.  All I had to do was to share
Drop Box and I have access to it from all my computers. I don't sync
anything.  I have just one database and it is stored in the Drop Box
as are my media files.  Mac automatically backs up the Drop Box
changes hourly and I have a daily backup to the ether via Mozy. Works
very well.  Can you imagine the response if we had had this
conversation 10 years ago?


On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Kathy Cardoza <kmacard...@mac.com>
Hi Everyone

I apologize in advance for the length of this post but I wanted to
with everyone how I am keeping my Legacy files synced and current
between my
two computers as I think this is a concern to many of us that use
more than
one computer. I routinely work on both my computers in Legacy,
adding and
changing the data. I try to keep it all sorted in my little brain
as to
which one was the most up-to-date copy, but it isn't always easy to
do that
and sometimes I'm just not 100% sure which one I used last. I fear
I was
overwriting newly created data on occasion.  Enter Dropbox. I have
using this for a while now to keep various files in sync between my
computers and it works beautifully. I had even been backing up my
files to Dropbox so that each computer had access to backups in the
(synced) location, but now I'm actually storing my Legacy Data
files in
Dropbox and it works great!

To explain .....

First, to learn more about Dropbox, go to http://www.getdropbox.com/ .
Basically, it is a FREE little program that you download and
install on
each of your computers that you'd like to keep in sync. On each
computer, it
creates a Dropbox folder. Whatever you put into that folder, gets
synced to
your Dropbox account on the Internet and then to your other
computer(s) with
the same setup. It happens very quickly, usually within seconds,
on the size of the file. The beauty of this, is that it only
depends on the
Internet to do the syncing, so your data sits in the Dropbox folder
on your
computer, always available to you. You don't have to access it on the
Internet. AND, that same data now sits on the Dropbox server as an
backup to you AND available to you from any computer, anywhere
through the
web interface! It can't get any better than this!

This was recently written about by Dick Eastman in a recent Plus
version of
his newsletter and he sings its praises highly. I had used it
before but his
newsletter gave me the idea to use it to store and sync my Legacy
files. I'm so glad I did. Dropbox only syncs changes when you close
a file.
So, in Legacy, when I am through working in my file, I close it
(you don't
have to quit the program) and it immediately syncs to my Dropbox
then to the Internet, then to the Dropbox folder on my other
computer. No
more wondering if I am using the most current version of my data!

This is free and works on both Macs and Windows. You are allowed
2GB of
storage space and you can pay for more if you need it. Oh, and by
the way,
it works beautifully if you are a Mac user like I am, using Legacy
within Parallels or one of the other virtualization programs.
Legacy knows
to look for my data in the Dropbox folder and all my images and
documents I
link to from my Mac folders.

I hope this may provide a solution to some of you. If you've been
or wondering about Dropbox, give it a try. You won't be sorry!


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