Mary Young wrote
Thanks - but why should Legacy be trying to match Event Definitions at all? And matching to what?? The "top radio button" says "For this IMPORT, always show this window when iINCOMING event is different". Well I was doing an EXPORT, so why did I see this box? Is it actually asking whether I want to revert to the Default Event Sentence, or Save my personal wording? If so, what is the effect of clicking "Close" rather than "Save" for each screen? Perhaps I've discarded my Custom Sentences! Aaargh.

Ah sorry - brain wasn't properly engaged and I missed the Import/Export discrepancy.

Well I have just tried Exporting a file to a *new* Legacy file and this screen did not appear. That suggests one of two things - either you were accidentally importing rather exporting which is *highly* unlikely, I suspect! Or you were exporting to an existing file, in which case from the point of view of the existing file it was an import.

If you have made changes to the default Event Sentences, you would expect to see this screen if importing into an existing file where the Event Sentences were unchanged, or changed differently. Whether or not the Sentences in the importing file will be changed depends on which option you selected.

If you "back out" of that screen by closing it rather than saving, the option setting will stay as it was - I think the first option is the default. The Save will only have an effect if you select a different option - ie make a change to that screen.

I am sure you will find that nothing has been changed in the file you were exporting from.
Jenny M Benson

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