Apologies to everyone for voicing my frustrations to LUG, and thanks
to all for support and help.
I finally "bit the bullet" and Exported to a New Family File.  Of
course, I lost my Added and Modified Dates, but have kept or retrieved
almost everything else.
Maybe it's just my soggy brain, but I found the Help Files less than
helpful regarding what one might lose in the Export.  A few thoughts:

EXPORTING TO A NEW FAMILY FILE has fixed my problem with the Master
Child Status List.

However, there were a few pitfalls to navigate past:

I found it confusing that the word "Import" appears during this Export!
However, this is because the "old" file is being imported into a new,
empty file complete with Legacy's defaults.
So if you are exporting to an empty file and the "Combine Event
Definition" window appears you need to click on "For this import,
always overwrite the existing event with the incoming event"

Focus Groups are not exported to the new file. To make your "old"
Focus Groups accessible to the new file, do this
(a) close Legacy
(b) using Windows Explorer, navigate to your Legacy\Data folder (or
wherever your data is stored)
(c) delete newdatabase.FG (if it exists)
(d) copy olddatabase.FG, paste into the folder and rename as newdatabase.FG.
(thanks to Dennis for this tip)

(3) TAGS
Tags are exported to the new file, **but their descriptions are not exported**.
If you don't remember them, open your old file, and right-click on the
Tags above someone's name. Note the descriptions, open your new file
and type in the Tag descriptions.

Because your new file was created TODAY, all your Added and Modified
dates will change to TODAY'S DATE. There is no way round this.
If you specially want to note a date or dates (e.g. all work done
within the past month, or Individuals not changed within the past
year) then search the old file for these parameters, and TAG those
individuals before Exporting to New Family File.
Mary Young

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