Nina K. Johnson wrote
I've been trying to switch things around as to WHO is in the Chapter Names, but The duplicates mostly appear in the Picture Scrapbook Pages with 9 per page.

I'll bet there are duplicates other chapters, as I know the Sources are problematic, too. I'm trying to get my Photo Scrapbook first.

For those who have been following this thread, I thought it would be helpful to tell you the outcome of investigations into the problem.

It turned out not to be a real problem at all. Nina had several photographs showing groups of family members and she had linked these to each of the individuals represented in the pictures. When she created a Scrap Book chapter in the Publishing Centre, she had selected the option to show the pictures for All Individuals. Legacy interprets that as show all the pictures for each person, so any picture that was linked more than once was appearing more than once.

I have suggested to Nina that the best ways to avoid this happening might be to attach group photos to the relevant Location or Address (rather depending on whether you enter full addresses in the Location field) or to choose the "main" person in the photograph and attach it to an Event/Fact for that person. Thus a picture of a group of wedding guests could be attached to the Church Location/Address, a tea-party group at somebody's house could be attached to the Location/Address or a group of holiday-makers could be attached to a Vacation Event.

Get-out clause: I'd better add that I haven't tested this thoroughly, but I did attach a picture to a Location that was used twice and it only appeared in the Scrap Book once, so I think it works!!
Jenny M Benson

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