On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 00:45:53 +0100, David MacDiarmid
<david.macdiar...@snp.org> wrote:

>Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:
>> On Sun, 12 Jul 2009 13:47:03 +0100, David MacDiarmid
>> <david.macdiar...@snp.org> wrote:
>>> The flashdrive has now 
>>> taken all my Legacy History back to Nov 2008
>> Not sure what you mean by "taken"?
>> Don't try anything else until we figure out exactly what you did.
>Hi Dennis,When i have finished working on Legacy i am prompted to backup 
>this i do.I do not fill in a name for backup as i automatically think 
>the backup is being made into the pc.I am then told that no multimedia 
>files were found.I presumed this was ok because i do not have a clue 
>what a multimedia file is.My anger and frustration is not only at 
>myself,because i know my limits on my pc,but also at the boffins who 
>write this stuff without much consideration for the people who do not 
>have the pc skills they do.I personally think pc jargon is sometimes 
>alien to me.Dennis,i have done almost nothing with my pc since last 
>night apart from e-mails,if this can be sorted i would be eternally 

OK. Let's go back to square one. You said...

>>> The flashdrive has now 
>>> taken all my Legacy History back to Nov 2008

I don't understand what you mean by this. Why don't you tell us (using
baby steps) exactly what you did and why you think something is wrong.

Dennis Kowallek (LTools)

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