I've also always added an unknown spouse as I'm
a. reasonably confident that there is/was one and
b. it wouldn't seem right without one

So not a problem


On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Dennis M. Kowallek <kowal...@iglou.com>wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 20:46:02 -0700 (PDT), Paula Ryburn
> <paula.ryb...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> >I'm with Connie on when this "feature" appeared.  It's recent, and I think
> it was with Legacy 7.
> It works the same way in V6. As far as I know, it's been this way for a
> long time ... if not forever. And the option to DISPLAY "Unknown" or
> leave blank was also there in V6.
> >I would think that if the "Unknown" spouse (either displaying the name
> "Unknown" or not, depending on what I *can* set in Customize) is added by
> the software for its own internal whatever, then when we come along and want
> to add the real spouse, this "magically appearing" spouse should just
> disappear (especially if I'm not displaying the "Unknown").
> It does for me (in V6). In Family View, when I click on one of these
> "Unknown" parent placeholders I am presented with an Add dialog which
> has a checkbox which says "Add this person to the currently displayed
> marriage" pre-checked.
> >Is the problem really that in addition to adding the "Unknown" spouse
> placeholder, the software also links the child(ren) to this "Unknown" parent
> placeholder?  Is this just for some sort of internal database
> requirement...... you must have two parent records if you want to link
> children to one or the other of them...?
> For the techies out there, this is how it works (in V6)...
> When you link an individual to a "father" or "mother" (not "parents"),
> Legacy assumes you don't know who the other parent is. It does this
> because if you did know who the other parent is, you would have added
> that parent first and then linked the individual to the "parents"
> instead.
> Since Legacy makes this assumption it adds a new row in tblMR (Marriage
> Record) with the RIN of the father (or mother) that you specified and a
> RIN of 0 (zero) for the missing parent. Note ... it does not add a row
> in tblIR (Individual Record) for the missing parent. A RIN of 0 in
> either tblMR.IDIRHusb or tblMR.IDIRWife means that person is unknown
> and, depending on your option settings, tells Legacy to display the word
> "Unknown" or leave blank.
> Legacy must add a Marriage Record because the next thing it does is add
> a row in tblCR (Child Record) to represent the relationship between the
> child and his/her parents (one of which is unknown). The database is
> designed to represent the "is a child of" relationship by linking an
> Individual Record (the child) to a Marriage Record (the parents) via a
> row in tblCR.
> So, in a way, it is done this way because of an internal database
> requirement. But this requirement is derived from modeling the real
> world.
> >and I hope Legacy will consider changing how things work to additionally
> keep the user happy (not just the database).
> I see no problem with the way Legacy has designed this. But then again,
> I make a habit of actually adding an unknown spouse as a new Individual
> record before adding any children. And I always use Add Parents when
> linking an existing individual to existing parents.
> Now that I think about it, I guess the only change I would recommend is
> that Legacy actually add an Individual Record for this unknown spouse
> with its own RIN (> 0) instead of using the RIN 0 placeholder hack in
> the Marriage Record. But I really haven't given this a lot of thought.
> --
> Dennis Kowallek (LTools)
> http://zippersoftware.com/ltools
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ltools
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