I've been using GedStar Pro on a Palm Treo for the past several months. It
works great, especially for research trips when I don't want to take a
laptop. And it's always with me, so I can look up information any time, any
place. Very handy when I go to my cousin's house and she starts asking me
about our family tree.

John Brockman

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 12:24 PM, Dede Holden <deanbuc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've just read "Bring your Legacy file with you" on the Legacy News page.
> Does anyone in the group have experience with Pocket Genealogist or GedStar
> Pro?  I have a Palm ES2, but I am contemplating the purchase of a new
> cellphone with the thought of reducing my "gadgets" so that I just have one
> mobile device.
> Is there anyone on the group using either one of these programs on a
> cellphone?  If so, which one, and how well does it work with Legacy?  I
> would like to be able to carry my information with me and be able to easily
> sync with my desktop computer when I return home.
> I understand that Pocket Genealogist may be the best, but I'm restricted to
> AT&T as my carrier, but I'm not so sure about the quality of the Windows
> mobile based cellphones.
> Or - would it be better for me to keep my Legacy on GedStar Pro on my Palm
> and have a separate cellphone?
> I hope this will be considered on topic, since my whole purpose is being
> able to carry Legacy with me in the field.  Any advice?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dede Holden

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