I have been following all the emails about location and address issues.  Please 
realize that I am relatively new to Legacy.  Frankly, I have not used the 
notes, address and location icons that appear next to birth, christening, death 
and burial that appear on the individual's record page.  However, it seems to 
me that adding an address or location for every type of life event is a 
terrible Legacy design.  From my point of view, what is important to know about 
an ancestor is his/her residence history....from birth to death....all located 
in one place, including photos and printable.  I totally agree with many of the 
suggestions offered about a Legacy capability to pictures (of houses, 
grave-sites, neighborhoods, etc) associated with specific Events/Facts.  
However, adding an address and location separately for each life event (like 
birth, christening, death, burial, years during marriage, naturalization, 
immigration etc) loses the importance of the bigger
 picture about "address and location".  Of course, you have to have a location 
for a birth etc., but I am talking about a different and larger need.  

If I am off-course, I welcome other opinions, constructive criticism and 

Mike Barberi

 In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus autem caritas. 
In essentials unity, in doubtful things liberty, but in all things love. 
St. Augustine (A.D. 354 - 430)

From: Brian/Support <br...@legacyfamilytree.com>
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Sent: Monday, August 17, 2009 3:13:10 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] a new way to wreck your database


I was entering a problem report on this since I think Legacy should have given 
you some warning that selecting a new location from the GEO Data Base would 
change all the locations that used that place.

As I was going through your steps I found that there is an intermediate screen 
between the GEO Database Selection and the return to the individual edit 
screen. That intermediate screen is titled "Merge Location" and has the 
original location from the Master Location List and the new location from the 
Geo DB. It is the Save button on that screen that changes your Master Location 
List name from the original to the newly selected name and does not warn that 
all uses of the Master List name will be changed.

I have submitted a problem report with the suggestion that the user needs to be 
warned or that there should be an option on the Merge Location screen to ADD 
the selected location as a new Master Location.

Customer Support
Millennia Corporation

We are changing the world of genealogy!
When replying to this message, please include all previous correspondence.

Jimquist wrote:
> There is no question in this post - just a "heads up" for other users....
> Sometime between my backup of 6/27 and 7/2, I discovered the town where my
> great grandmother was born.  Previously, only the state of Missouri was
> known.
> So, I merrily went to the birth location field where the state was showing
> and figuring I'd kill several birds with one stone (obtain the county name
> and get the latitude and Longitude), clicked on the Geo location icon,
> taking me to the Geo Location Database where I found that the state was
> already filled in.
> I simply filled in the name of the town, Acorn Ridge, and clicked search and
> there I had all the desired info.  I clicked the "Select" on the "Core +"
> line and that took me to the Merge Location screen where I clicked on Geo
> and then Save. This brought me back to GGrandmother's Individual information
> screen, with town, county, state, country, Lat. & Longitude, completely
> filled in.  I clicked Save and went happily on my way.
> NOW, six weeks and many backups later, I find that the way I changed the
> location from state of Missouri only, to Acorn Ridge, Stoddard County,
> Missouri, USA, resulted in changing ALL instances of  Missouri to Acorn
> Ridge, Stoddard....
> All 123 cases in my 27 June backup, where a location of only Missouri was
> used, now show Acorn Ridge....etc.  A few of these are correct but most are
> not.  In addition, subsequent research has revealed a few other ancestors
> with event locations of Acorn Ridge, Illinois.  So, it's now necessary that I 
> go through the entire list of everybody using that location as of now and 
> change most of them back to Missouri only.
> I don't have a question in regards to fixing my Master Location list, I just
> want to warn others about this potential problem of inadvertently changing
> all instances of an existing location, when you intend to change only one.
> This is probably a "horse on me", but it seems like there should have been a 
> warning from the program that "changing this location will change it for 
> everybody using this location".
> Oh well, just goes to show that it's pretty difficult to make anything bullet 
> proof ;-)
> Jim

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