Here is a quote off of the web site...

"One of the highlights came in the afternoon when Dave decided to "spill the beans" on one of our upcoming version 8 features. I couldn't believe it. We decided before the cruise that we weren't going to say anything about version 8. The moment we do, the questions always start rolling in about when it will be available. Everyone on board was sworn to secrecy. Now you have another reason to cruise with us..Anyways, the feature he explained is a great one and I can't wait for all of you to have it. In fact, all of the things we've been working on are really terrific! However, I'm sure it will still be quite some time before v8 is available, and we're not even saying "soon" yet."

What about us poor smucks that can't go on these cruises, don't we deserve at least a little hint?????


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