I record census information as part of residency then I can do a
chronology showing residence to compare people I think may be related.
I then use the source writer for the census information and supplement
it in the notes with my comments, such as children, etc. that clarify
the numbers a little better. Problem is, the source writer asks for
the state and county in the master source rather than in the detail.
That means that I have multiple sources for the same area because
different states and counties are involved. I want a single source for
1790, 1800, etc. rather than 1790-New Hampshire-Grafton,1790-New
Hampshire-etc... Then the detail would include the local information.

I have made a suggestion to Legacy to make the change as using the
override to redo the citations is cumbersome, but I would like to get
some feedback on my idea, methods, and other possibilities.


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