I am trying to create a .pdf (descendant narrative) with LOTS of pictures.
Without the pictures I was unable to create the file easily (it was roughly 800 
pages long).
With the pictures, I get a repeated error message that says:

Error opening temporary work file.
Error 3050.  Could not lock file. [I have no idea what is meant by "locking" a 
Would you like to TRY IT AGAIN?

I get this message several times, and the number of pages being created 
advances to c 3500!  I have a LOT of pictures but I don't think I have THAT 
many!!  At that point I am told I am out of memory and  Legacy crashes.

I went to Legacy online help, which suggests I run file maintenace, which I did 
without a problem.

I checked my picture files and all of them are showing up.

Legacy Help makes a number of other suggestions, which will be quite 
time-consuming) but does not deal specifically with Error #3050, as far as I 
can see.

After getting the out-of memory message, I restarted my computer and opened no 
other programs.   But again got the out of memory message.

I have 4gb RAM.  I  have Windows Vista, 64-bit, and keep it updated 

I have Legacy Deuxe

I'll appreciate all suggestions!


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