Wow, I got confused and I use the source clipboard all the time.

Here's step-by-step.

1. Open a new event and name it. I generally use Residence instead of
Census, but that's just a personal choice.
2. To the left of the description you will see a blue triangle. Click
on it. This will open the source clipboard.
3. On the source clipboard select step 1 to create a new source. If
you already have the master source created, just select it on the
master source list, or create a new one if necessary.
4. When finished you will be returned to the source clipboard where
you can fill in all the details you need for the individual involved.
5. Make sure the Prompt for Detail box at the bottom of the page is
checked so you can change information for each individual if you need
6. Click Save in the upper right corner.
7. You are now back on the event page, so click the little dash just
below the triangle. That says to add information from the source
8. That will open the detail page so you can change name, etc. if you
need to. Click Save at upper right.
9. finish the event page and save it.

You only have to do this once.

To enter an event for another person, add the event, click the dash,
make any changes, save and done.

I recommend the training CDs. They cover this in a lot more detail
plus a lot more. It was a hard decision for me to make because I'm
retired and on a fixed limited income. But, I'm glad I did. It is well
worth the investment.


On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 8:53 PM, Angela Gabbard <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Need some basic help.
> I am using the source writer and have created my source and attached to an
> individual.  I am now trying to attach the same source to a second person
> including the exact same details.  The source writer prompts me to enter new
> source details but I don't want to have to retype everything a 2nd time.
> What am I missing?
> Thanks in Advance!
> Angela
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