Hi Rick,

 > Event Descriptions... what kind of information you would put in that
 > field. Could ya'll give me some examples of what you put in there?
 >Like for a Census event it would seem redundent to but census, or
 > the place or date beacuse they are listed in other fields. So what
 > would you put there?

Legacy is a very flexible program, and there are often more than one way
to achieve a particular result.

With events, you can put anything in the description field.  Or you can
leave it blank.  You also have the power to edit the sentence definition
for the event, so you can alter how it appears in reports.  The edit can
be for that particular instance of the event only, or for all events of
that type.

For census events, at the moment (it's changed a couple of times over
the years as I learn new tricks from this list) I do them like this:

  Event: Census
  Description: age & occupation (if any)
  Date: year
  Place: location of household

The Sentence Definition, if all fields are filled, looks like this:

[HeShe] appeared on the census [onDate] [inPlace] as a [Desc].[Sources]

So, for example, the event for my 3x-great grandfather Robert IRELAND
appears as:

  He appeared on the census in 1851 in Langtoft, Yorkshire, England as a
36-year-old blacksmith.

In the Source I include a transcription of the household.  By using the
Source Clipboard to assign the source to the event, all details in the
source are kept identical, so it appears only once in a report.

If you preferred, you could leave the description blank, and put any
information you wanted to record in the Notes field.  Adjust the
sentence definition to suit your own requirements.

Hope this helps.  :-)

Kind Regards,
Wendy Howard
Kaiwaka, Northland, New Zealand

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