On 2010/03/12 15:49, Amy wrote:
> Yes, my computer has been rebooted as has Legacy.  I have found NO
> place in Legacy to turn this back on.  Now, on Family View, below the
> names and info etc. I do see icons to get to the pics, notes, siblings,
> parents, etc.  The screen I am talking about is the one that comes up
> when you click on a person's name and input dates etc.  They used to be
> to the right of the surname. (Just to clarify).   I can still enter
> notes, it is just not as convenient for me to change screens again.

Bring up the Individual's Information window (that's the title of the
window you're talking about). Then play around with the height and width
of the window. Too small in one direction seems to cause the loss of an
icon or two.

Mike Fry

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